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Saturday, 6 May 2017

How to Protect your Smartphone and Private Data from Hackers

Smartphones has become a tool most people can’t do without. It’s always either in your pocket, purse, or in your hand anywhere and everywhere you go. Due to its importance in today's life, there is a need for its protection

Hacking has grown in popularity over the past decade, and hacker are targeting smartphones because it has become a goldmine for sensitive information. If a hacker gains access to someone’s smartphone, they can potentially download their contacts, banking information, and a whole slew of other life-ruining data.
How to Protect your Smartphone and Private Data from Hackers

Don’t make the mistake of thinking this couldn’t happen to you, because it can, and at some point, it most likely will. Are you protected enough to defend against one of these attacks?

If you think you aren't Below are 3 ways to shield your smartphone and private data from hackers.

Lock and Password Protect Your Phone

Many people think of hacking as someone sitting at a computer, fumbling through code and digging a backdoor into your system. Sometimes it’s much easier than that. Sometimes, hackers gain direct access via the device itself.

If you lost your phone and a stranger picked it up, what sort of information would they be able to access? For many, once someone gets onto the home screen of a smartphone, they can access any number of apps and sensitive data, including banking information.

You don’t want this to be the case if your phone ever goes missing. The best way to protect your phone and information is to always lock and require a password to access the home screen. This prevents anyone from accessing anything of value. You can even set it so that after a fairly large number of wrong attempts, it wipes the data of selected apps and/or contacts.

Don’t Download Sketchy Apps

Hackers love finding unique and easy ways to gain control of a device. Since everybody uses apps on a regular basis, it only makes sense that they’ve developed a way to use this to their advantage.

Your best defense against this is to only download apps from verified and trusted sources. Obviously, Google and Apple are companies you can probably feel safe downloading from. But even then, you’ll want to double – and sometimes triple – check that the apps are actually made by those companies and not some disguised knock-off.
Pay special attention to things like user reviews and number of downloads to better judge what exactly you are planning to download onto your smartphone.

Consider Security Software

This is a real thing, and it actually may be beneficial to have on your phone. Typical cybersecurity software for your business or laptop includes features like an internet usage monitor, patch updating, and network scanning. Cybersecurity software for your phone works like that, but a little different.

Instead of focusing on the types of vulnerabilities a laptop or network would be susceptible to, it caters more towards the types of breaches most likely to affect a smartphone.
This sort of technology is fairly new, so it’s still improving, but it could prove very useful if you use your smartphone for business-related work that you can’t afford to have compromised.
In conclusion, Smartphones, much like almost any technology developed these days, need to be protected from the growing number of cyber threats that exist today. This type of stuff is usually last on peoples’ minds, especially since smartphones are something we’re so used to using without hiccups, but it needs to start being taken more seriously. The tips above are as good a place as any to begin protecting you and your data.


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